Prostatitis or inflammation of the gland prostate family the fortitude of half of humanity. According to official statistics, about the disease affects 16% of adult men. Professional urologists call it s, and other figures: not less than 35% of the population of the country of origin. The difference between the official services, the incidence of a real easy to explain: the potential patients simply do not seek help from doctors because of feelings of awkwardness, embarrassment, lack of time, lack of understanding of the importance of the problem.
Inflammation of the prostate today, a leader in the group of men diseases transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Its complications threaten the infertility, decreased libido, impotence.
The symptoms of prostatitis are not only the pain, urinary disorders, inflammation of the spermatic cord. The most dangerous consequence of running the inflammation may be cancerous degeneration of the prostate. While that diagnosed pathological and the connection process easy.
The cause of the inflammation
The risk of developing inflammation of the prostate increases the tolerance predisposing to disease points:
- Hypothermia, alone or associated with the nature of the work in the open air.
- The un sedentary lifestyle, leading to disruption in the functioning of the digestive system.
- Chronic diseases somatic (diabetes, hypertension).
- The les are lesions in the focal, perifocal infection (rhinitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gastritis).
- Persistent UGI (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpes simplex virus).
- Stress, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Lowered The immunity in relation to the transferred illness, surgery, emotional stress.
- Bad habits, which leads to the development of intoxication: alcohol, Tobacco, strong coffee.
- Injuries Occupational of the perineum, car drivers, athletes, workers in dangerous industries.
- Promiscuous coitus interruptus, devoid sensuality of sexual intercourse with incomplete ejaculation, prolonged lack of intimacy (low demand in the semen leads to the stagnation in the gland).
- Sexually transmitted diseases.
Despite the large number of provocative moments, the essence of the prostatitis and the occurrence of stagnation in the body in the impairment of the circulation and the drainage of the lymph.

A modern urological and non-uniform classification of the disease. However, the professionals prefer this version of the classification of the process in the inflammatory prostate:
- In the course of the disease:
- Prostatitis acute. However, if more than a decrease of 50% of the cases in the people of years more than 30-35.
- Chronic option. Nevozmozhnoe Considered category. For a long time does not manifest itself, the impetus for the development and a cold, infection.
- The causes of the disease:
- Inflammation Bacterial infection of the gland of the prostate, common in the homes of up to 40 years, occurs in the background of the IGO, do not go beyond the limits of the authority.
- Non-bacterial pathological changes in the gland, mainly in the chronicle.
- Viral inflammation of the prostate is characterized by ongoing acute affects all sexual matters.
- The nature of the changes in the structural gland of the prostate:
- Fibrous prostatitis characterized by a rapid irreversible cancer growth and the needs of the surgery radical. Clinically reminiscent of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
- Calculous inflammation of the gland of the prostate occurs because of the formacio inside the Auditorium Winterthur prostate. And seen as a precursor of cancer.
- Congestive prostatitis, the result of a sedentary lifestyle, diagnosed in about every second patient.
Signs of the disease
Man check out of the un If himself as at least two of the symptoms of the following prostatitis, you should immediately contact a qualified technician:
- Urination disorder with the occurrence of intermittent, weak stream of urine, unusually short-range, attractive splashes, the difficulty and pain before urinating. Frequent emptying need of the bladder is mainly produced at night.
- Pain, which is localized in the lower part of the abdomen, radiate to the scrotum, perineum, rectum.
- The Sexual dysfunction.
- Problems with ejaculation, the change of sperm (consistency, import).
Prostatitis acute
The disease begins with an object the enlargement of the temperature place (40 degrees), painful headache, fever. The symptoms appear s accompanied with pain in the groin, perineum, back, discharge from the urethra, frequent urination, and the need for him constant.
Emptying of the bladder is delayed, burning sensation. The urine becomes cloudy it can receive the blood. There is irritability, fatigue.
The result of the prostatitis acute can be un entire process of resolution (if the time begun treatment). As changes occur in many organs of the small pelvis, that you can not leave more, or have relevant complications:
- Vesiculitis – inflammation of the seminal vesicles, the cause of pus in semen which not only reduces the quality of the ejaculation, but it leads to the loss of the reproductive function.
- Colliculi – inflammatory changes in the seminal colliculus are the reason for the development of serious syndrome of pain during sexual relations, the interruption of orgasm, impotence psychological nature.
- The formacio of an abscess in the body of the prostate, broke, purulent lesion of the rectum leads to the worsening of the symptoms, a strong intoxication, even death.
- Stagnation in the prostate leads to the un's change in its structure, the interruption of the innervation, blood supply, glands and organs located very close to violation with their functions. Erection becomes insuficient to complete the sexual intercourse, there is a premature ejaculation, prolonged sexual intercourse sense orgasm.
- Cicatricial changes in the gland, spermatic cord lead to infertility and a decrease in the sperm quality, sperm mobility of. Reduction of the urethra interferes with the process of normal urination, blockage of the bladder may cause acute retention urinary, require emergency surgical attention.
Prostatitis chronic
The main feature of the disease in the vagueness of the clinical symptoms during the process, long and hard. Most of the chronic form occurs independently as the main in pathology the background of the stagnation of the blood in the blood vessels (prostatosis), abacterial prostatitis.
The early symptoms of prostatitis chronic are:
- fever;
- the pain occurs in scrotum, perineum, the anus back;
- violation of urination;
- mucous or Muco-purulent discharge from the rectum, the urethra, even in the absence of urination or bowel movement;
- violation of erectile function, painful ejaculation, coitus interruptus, sexual sense relationship prolonged a feeling of satisfaction.
- Infertility and the result of the chronic in the inflammation of the spermatic cord, vesicles, testicles, and their appendages.
- Cystitis, pyelonephritis (other diseases of the genitourinary system) and a mechanical consequence called hematogenous dissemination of bacteria.
- Sepsis.
- Persistent immunosuppression.
- This is not prostatitis 35 – 40% of cases can cause cancer.
The clinical picture of the disease a typical way that the diagnosis does not cause difficulties. Urologist l Is put on the basis of the anamnesis, examination of the patient, laboratory minimum with the most advanced medical devices:
- Rectal examination of the gland, the decision of the study in secret (seeding with the definition of sensitivity to antibiotics).
- KLA, OAM, urine culture, bacterial.
- The un swab for Hat, IGO-study.
- Daily monitoring of urination accelerate the pace, the measurement of the speed of urination (uroflowmetry).
- For the differential diagnosis of ultrasound hard, or TRUS.
- If you want to exclude the cancer, take a biopsy, perform urography, single PSA – prostate-specific antigen.
- For the diagnosis of infertility is assigned to an analysis of semen – semen analysis to know the fertility of men.
On the basis of the results of the examination of the patient individual scheme of complex treatment of prostatitis. When prescribing take into account the form of the disease, the presence of comorbidities. The decision about where to conduct therapy (inpatient or outpatient) and taken by the doctor. The treatment with care and control laboratory results.
One of the most modern centres for the treatment of prostatitis are the clinical GK "Mother and Son". Since the problem of infertility is closely linked to the inflammatory urological diseases, the medical professionals have given this topic a lot of attention.
In the clinics, "Mother and son" that every patient has the opportunity to complete the un a full cycle of special examinations, to obtain psychological support, to be treated with drugs last generation d, s used in this field, to become familiar with the new methods of treatment of the inflammation of the prostate. Not the last place in the treatment of prostatitis and also a sure rehabilitation of patients, clinical supervision, prevention.
Treatment of prostatitis acute
Prostatitis acute requires rest, superior in another world, without salt in the diet, sexual peace.
Methods of the un, course of treatment:
- The more you in the treatment of prostatitis and etiotropic therapy. If the base of the prostate – infection, a priority of course drugs antimicrobial, which alleviates the inflammation.
- Pain syndrome cut analgesics, antispasmodics such, rectal candles, warm microclimate with solutions of anaesthetic drugs. Perhaps the use of Aine.
- Have demonstrated the efficacy of Immunostimulants, immunomodulators, enzymes, vitamins complex, a combination of micronutrients.
- Physiotherapy and possible only in the phase of subacute disease. Improve the microcirculation, improve immunity: UHF, UHF, electrophoresis, laser, magnetotherapy.
- Massage – another method of d-a look at the influence prostate. Opens the ducts, normalizes the blood circulation of the scrotum and the pelvis.
- Sharp delay of the filtrate of the kidney can be corrected by catheterization, cystostomy traganou.
- Purulent process involves The surgical intervention.
- Advice.
Treatment of the prostatitis chronic
A long, long term (at least months) impact on prostate 100% guarantee that there is no cure. Priority for the medicinal herbs, immunocorrection, habits, changing households:
- Herbal preparations (for example, Likoprofit) are widely distributed urology in practice. You are able to accumulate at the site of the més'assets of the pathological process, in order to protect the cell dl·lules of the oxidation, remove free radicals, inhibit the growth of prostate tissue.
- Antibiotic therapy, and chosen individually, based on the sensitivity of microbes to the drugs.
- Drugs that increase immunity, not only help to deal with a prostatitis, it is still possible to correct the negative effects of antibiotics disturbs the function of the immune system.
- Pain syndrome relieved by the art alpha-blockers, muscle relaxants.
- Massage the prostate you remove the mechanically "extra" the secret of the prostate through the urethra, to improve the blood circulation, to minimize congestion.
- Physiotherapy: laser, magnet, ultrasound, iontophoresis, sessile warm bath, or microclysters with herbs.
- In severe cases, intravenous fluids with diuretics. Stimulates urine abundant, profilaktirujut symptoms of poisoning, the development of ascending and cystitis pyelonephritis.
- Practice for constipation laxatives of vegetable origin.
- Urologist, a psychologist, together with the patient to develop un individual's long-term program of routine, necessary rest, diet, dosed physical exertion, sexual activity.
- In the case of the resistance to the chronicle of the therapy, the blockage in the flow of The urine to prescribe the surgical intervention: remove all the affected tissue (transurethral resection of the prostate) or remove the entire gland of the prostate to the surrounding tissues (prostatectomy). In exceptional cases, is fraught with impotence, urinary incontinence. Young people do not carry out the operation, as it can cause infertility.
In order to avoid examine unpleasant homes disease and necessary to eliminate active and follow the simple rules:
- To bring un healthy living style, give you bad habits.
- Not SuperCool.
- Drinking at least 1.5-2 litres of water a day.
- To strengthen the immune system, a lot of walking, tempering.
- The physical activity and sport, visit the clubs of fitness.
- To avoid examining situations of stress.
- Regular practice of the sex life permanently with the couple.
- Regular Visits with a urologist.