With prostate, an inflammatory process occurs in the region of the prostate gland. This is one of the most common urological diseases. The causes of prostatitis in men are different.

What is prostatitis?
The disease is accompanied by a violation of urination. Too often, a man has a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
The main causes of acute bacterial prostatitis are infections that:
- transmitted during intimacy (ureaplasmosis, chlamydia);
- penetrate into the urethra from the rectal area (Klebsiella infection, Pseudomonas aeruginosa).
If the prostate gland becomes inflamed, a man's emotional state can deteriorate rapidly. In this case, the libido fades.
Deterioration of the nervous system can be characterized by the following symptoms:
- anxiety;
- deterioration of mood;
- sleep disturbance;
- increased irritability.
Where does prostatitis come from in patients?
It's worth explaining what causes acute or chronic prostatitis in men. The possibility of developing a disease increases under the influence of the following main factors:
- debauched sex;
- non-compliance with the basic rules of personal hygiene;
- urinary reflux into the bladder area;
- phimosis;
- hypothermia;
- strong emotional shock;
- blood stagnation in the pelvic area.
Causes of the disease
Acquired causes of prostate gland inflammation include:
- narrowing of the urethra. It leads to a deterioration of urine flow and increased pressure in the urethra;
- perineal damage, which provoked the emergence of a chronic inflammatory process;
- prostate stones;
- heavy physical work;
- the presence of a chronic inflammatory process in which the vessels of the prostate are affected.
Acute and chronic infectious pathologies
The inflammatory process in the prostate gland may be the result of another disease. These pathologies include: gonorrhea and urethritis. The following diseases can also cause the development of the disease:
- cystitis;
- angina;
- incompletely treated caries;
- tuberculosis.
In the presence of a focus of acute or chronic infection, you must first eliminate the root cause of the disease: neutralize the activity of the infectious agent.
Congestive (congestive) prostatitis is often associated with damage to testicular tissue. With this pathology, a violation of spermatogenesis occurs, the process of synthesis of sex hormones slows down. With congestive prostatitis, erectile dysfunction often occurs.
The risk of chronic congestive prostatitis increases under the influence of the following factors:
- low physical activity;
- muscle weakness in the pelvic floor;
- prolonged abstinence from privacy;
- interrupted sexual intercourse as a method of protection against unwanted pregnancy;
- frequent constipation;
- the presence of cancer;
- reduction of vascular tone;
- occurrence of complications after surgical intervention on the pelvic organs;
- varicose diseases of the pelvic veins.
Treatment of congestive prostatitis involves the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These medications eliminate discomfort, reduce tissue swelling.
If indicated, antiplatelet agents are used. These medicines improve the process of diluting the blood.
With congestive prostatitis, the introduction of sulfated mucopolysaccharide in the form of injections, the use of nicotinic acid is indicated.
Venotonics helps increase the strength of the venous walls. Drugs from the group of alpha-blockers help improve urine flow. In some situations, with congestion in the prostate area, immunomodulators, muscle relaxants and sedatives are used.
Sedentary work
An inactive lifestyle provokes the appearance of stagnant processes in the tissues of the prostate gland. Due to passive passage, the functions of the nervous and endocrine systems deteriorate. The risk of developing prostatitis increases in adverse environmental conditions.
Prolonged abstinence
With prolonged abstinence, stagnation of seminal fluid is observed. Pathogenic microorganisms can begin to multiply in it, which provokes the emergence of an inflammatory process in the prostate.
With prolonged abstinence, sexual desire fades. Low sexual activity can also cause impotence.
Under the influence of low temperatures, the corresponding vessels narrow. In this case, the blood supply to the prostate is disturbed, which leads to a deterioration in the nutrition of the organ.
To avoid hypothermia, you should follow the simple recommendations:
- it is recommended to wear outerwear suitable for the season;
- it is necessary to avoid long stay in the wind, close to the air conditioner.

Causes of prostatitis in men after 40 years
Inflammation of the prostate gland in young people develops under the influence of such causes:
- congestion in the pelvic area;
- the presence of latent infectious diseases (chlamydia, trichomoniasis). With such pathologies, a slow inflammatory process occurs in the tissues of the prostate gland.
Causes of prostatitis in patients over 55 years
The disease after 55 years can occur under the influence of such factors:
- androgen deficiency;
- presence of pelvic floor muscle atrophy;
- weakened immunity due to chronic infections;
- slowing of blood flow;
- disappearance of sexual function;
- weakening of the sphincters located in the bladder region.
One of the reasons for the development of prostatitis is that the patient is overweight. Due to the extra pounds, increased pressure is created in the area of the pelvic venous plexus.
Other causes of disease development
According to a psychosomatic specialist (Louise Hay), a man's health depends on the psychological state of the stronger sex. According to this theory, the causes of prostatitis can be as follows:
- a feeling of inability to control the major events of your life;
- internal experiences due to sexual failure;
- feelings of guilt towards the partner.
The pathology is often diagnosed in older men who experience insecurity in their abilities.
To prevent the development of prostatitis at this stage of life, you need to learn to think positively. A man should not focus on what frustrates him.
Where does it hurt with prostate inflammation in men?
It's worth explaining where it hurts with advanced prostate. As the disease progresses, pain appears in the following parts of the body:
- scrotum;
- penis
- lower back;
- anus region.
What pain occurs with prostatitis in men depends on the following factors:
- stages of the disease;
- localization of the inflammatory focus.
With a long course of prostatitis, pain may appear in the area of the seminal glands and vesicles.
Pain in the legs
It is worth knowing what are the main symptoms of prostatitis, what hurts. When the prostate gland becomes inflamed, blood circulation is disturbed. This can cause pain in the lower extremities.
In some cases, bacterial prostatitis develops reactive arthritis. In this case, the pain does not occur in the muscles, but in the area of a tissue or joint.
Discomfort in the testicles
One of the signs of the disease is pain in the perineum. It can spread to the penis, pubis, testicles. Discomfort in the testicles and inguinal folds occurs when the seminal vesicles are affected.
Unpleasant sensations of shooting character in the testicles and prostate are observed in the presence of a purulent process. In this case, the course of the disease is complicated by a violation of the urinary process, severe weakness, fever.
Discomfort in the anus
The main cause of pain in the anus is that the prostate is located near the rectum. At the same time, the unpleasant sensations are of a shooting nature. Discomfort is exacerbated by defecation.
Pain that appears with inflammation of the prostate gland may be accompanied by constipation, bloating.
Pain in the coccyx
Pain in the coccyx is one of the symptoms of the disease. Discomfort is often accompanied by a sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the anus. Similar symptoms indicate a violation of body functions in chronic prostatitis.
Pain in the lower abdomen
As the disease progresses, the volume of organ glandular tissue increases. The pain in the lower abdomen is often sharp. In this case, the inflammatory process covered the bladder and rectum.
After the course of treatment, the swelling disappears. The prostate gland shrinks in size. As a result, the pain in the lower abdomen becomes less pronounced.
Localization of pain
If you have pain, you should undergo a thorough medical examination. A similar localization of pain is observed in diseases of the rectum, prostate cancer.
Remedies for pain relief
To eliminate the discomfort, an analgesic and an antipyretic from the group of pyrazolones are used. The tool helps relieve pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride has anesthetic properties. The tool helps to relax smooth muscles. The drug has a calming effect on the nervous system. NSAIDs from the class of sulfonanilides are endowed with pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
Effective folk remedies also help reduce pain:
- An infusion made from burdock.It is necessary to pour 10 grams of pre-crushed plant roots with 200 ml of water. The product is boiled on low heat for 10 minutes. After that, the soup is injected for 30 minutes. Take 100 ml twice a day. The decoction is consumed 30 minutes before the meal. The average course duration is determined individually.
- Pumpkin seeds.Eat 1 tablespoon of vegetable seeds twice a day. Pumpkin seeds should be eaten 60 minutes before eating. The average course duration varies from two to three months. Pumpkin seeds are distinguished by pronounced antiseptic properties.
Before using the medication for pain, you should consult a urologist. The right agents can cause side effects.
Prostatitis, whose psychosomatics are quite complex, can be prevented. This requires: moderate physical activity, a balanced diet, giving up bad habits, regular sexual intercourse.